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Showing 1 results for Rejection Sensitivity

Nayreh Tabatabai Hosseini,
Volume 7, Issue 11 (1-2021)

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of psychological factors such as perceived stress, problem solving ability and sensitivity to rejection in treatment and return after two months of addicts. The method of the present study is descriptive-comparative. The statistical population of male addicts referred to public and private addiction treatment centers in Saveh (Rezvan, Janat, Ferdows and Zand addiction treatment centers) was 1400 people. 112 people were determined by purposive sampling method and randomly divided into two groups (106 people with a history of cleanliness of at least one year and 106 people with a history of cleanliness less than two months). In order to collect data, Cohen et al. (1983) Perceived Stress Questionnaire, Hepner and Petersen (1982) PSI Problem Solving Questionnaire and Sensitivity to Rejection and Emotional Neglect Questionnaire were used. The content validity of the questionnaires has been confirmed by professors and experts in this field. Cronbach's alpha coefficient of perceived stress questionnaires (0.86), Hepner problem solving (0.83) and sensitivity to rejection and emotional neglect (0.72) was estimated to be higher than 0.7 and indicates the internal coordination of items and confirmation. It was the reliability of the questions. In order to analyze the data, multivariate analysis of variance (Manova) was used using SPSS software. The results showed that the mean of "perceived stress" and "sensitivity to rejection" in treated addicts were significantly lower than the recurrent group. While the average "problem solving ability" in clean people was estimated to be higher than recurrent people. The volume of the effect also indicated that approximately 18.4% of the variance of "perceived stress" and 18.2% of the variance of "problem solving ability" The problem can be explained by attribution to groups. The figure for "rejection sensitivity" was 10.8 percent

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