Volume 13, Issue 17 (9-2022)                   JNIP 2022, 13(17): 1-24 | Back to browse issues page

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Yazdani M. The Effect of Integration of Children and the Elderly in School on Mental Health. JNIP 2022; 13 (17) :1-24
URL: http://jnip.ir/article-1-748-en.html
Doctoral student of Philosophy of Education, Islamic Education, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Unit, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:   (1229 Views)
The importance of childhood and old age is not hidden from anyone in order to pass this period correctly and healthily. The statistics announced by the World Health Organization show the beginning of the aging of the population in the world، and since people were suddenly left out of the society without considering the conditions، capabilities and abilities of people and only on the basis of age conditions in a certain age range of a generation، the depression caused The feeling of ineffectiveness and rejection، especially after retirement، was considered a great threat to the elderly society. Enjoying a productive and quality healthy life with an acceptable life span and free from illness is a right of everyone، which in the school of Islam، the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Article 25) and the Constitution of the Islamic Republic (Principles 29-2 and 43) Emphasized And on the other hand، the busy young generation in the fast-paced and machine-driven process of current societies often does not have enough time to spend time with the two generations before and after، and according to the necessity of the matter، conditions must be provided for both the elderly and the children، so that the children can benefit from a generational environment. Mandy will gain from the experiences and attention of the elderly and by creating a sense of independence and life again in the elderly; Improve the mental health of the community. Linking between the age of disability and retirement with an active، productive and dynamic world، by providing a space where people of different ages support each other and are supported، can be an effective solution to the crisis of aging and premature disability. Therefore، the current research aimed to examine the concepts of mental health، old age and childhood، as well as the effect of integrating the environment of these two generations with each other. In terms of the purpose، the current research is considered a part of applied research and in terms of qualitative research method (review). The statistical population of the current research was the reliable sites (Erik، Meg Iran، comprehensive humanities portal، etc.)، articles، researches، and theses. In this research، we tried to find the optimal spatial indicators for the interaction of two generations.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special
Received: 2022/08/13 | Accepted: 2022/09/1 | Published: 2022/09/1

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